
Disney Birthday Weekend

caitlin spaulding disney

So today is my birthday!  I go back and forth at this point about whether or not 29 makes me feel old. I'm typically mistaken for a college student so I'm still ok with getting older. Except this weekend, at Disney, my body FELT old. I mean MAN my feet and back hurt. Also, staying up until 4am for extra magic hours has basically annihilated me for the week. It was a really awesome weekend though, the main reason for the trip was my little cousin's birthday (hence the t-shirts) but it was a nice overlap with my own birthday. Chris (the hubby) had been traveling for work and couldn't come, so it was with some family and one of my friends.  Disney really is my happy place. As a designer I always notice the thoughtfulness of design and amazing details that are all around you, no one does it better. We did Universal for a day too, and though Potter was great, it'll never be Disney World. I thought I'd share some pics from a truly awesome weekend! 

Time for Disney!

Custom Disney Vacation T-shirts

I'm off to Disney World tonight for my little cousin's 10th birthday! I've always thought my family was above the whole matching family vacation T-shirt thing, but yeah, we're not. Hallie wanted to wake up in Disney when she turned 10, and wanted as many of her favorite people there as possible. We figured it was time to go all out, so I designed these t-shirts for our whole gang to wear on Sunday to the Magic Kingdom for Hallie's day of Disney birthday fun. (Sorry for the bad pics by the way, I'll take some better ones when we're all wearing them!) I used to make the T-shirts and they were really great, they had a really good assortment of styles and no minimum order for different colors. I figured if we were going to do matching Ts, I could at least get a bunch of different styles and colors so we wouldn't be all Tanner Family Vacation (anyone remember that Full House episode?) So as I'm on vaca, I'll won't be posting until next Tuesday or Wednesday. Have a great weekend kids! I'll be posting lots of Disney pics on Instagram during my trip, so feel free to check in there!  

NYC Weekend

So I was supposed to go to NYC a couple weekends back, but then had a panic attack because I had so much work, so I rescheduled. I'm headed there this weekend with another friend, to hang with one of our girls who moved recently. There's going to be lots of shopping and hopefully tea at the plaza (photo above). I'm excited for a weekend with some of my favorites! 

Some thoughts about yardwork...

Nope, not our garden, but I wish it was....

Nope, not our garden, but I wish it was....

Yesterday, when I was trapped in an office building at my "day design job", I felt like a crazy person. Ever get like that? When the day is moving so slow, and you have lots to do but just want to get OUT? It was one of those days for me. So, when I got home, to our newly opened (albeit still green and dirty) pool, and a yard all neat and tidy from the "spring cleaning" we had the landscapers do (a splurge, because lets be honest, I don't have time for that shiznit during wedding season) I was really happy. If I could will summer into existence, it would be 85 degrees tomorrow. So, Chris and I decided to get crazy with some yard work. The sun was out, Chris was mowing the lawn, so I decided to WEED. I have a black thumb. Or maybe just an indifferent thumb? Would I love a pretty pretty garden with flower beds and amazing landscaping? YES. Do I have the drive and inclination to spend hours in the dirt? NO. All the same, I wanted to do something to make our yard look nicer, so I started ripping out any plant that looked like it could survive the apocalypse. That's what weeds are right? Evil ugly plants that can grow anywhere and are IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL. So I pulled up all the evil looking plants (some of them were probably real plants, which I only realized when they came up WAY too easily to be a weed). Anywho, it was a satisfying evening, but now I want mulch elves to come and spread nice fragrant wood chips in our freshly cleaned flower beds. Anyone want to trade wedding invites for yard work? Have a great weekend kiddos, I'm just happy it's almost here! 

Off To The Post Office

Save the Date Addressing

Another set of Save the Dates all packed up and off to the post office! I'll be sharing these next week! The last two weeks have been insane, but I'm happy to say that things are getting back to a manageable level of busy. This weekend is panning out to be a fun one: meetings with two new clients, family fun on Easter Sunday, and hopefully I'll be getting a new car this weekend too! Enjoy your weekend! I plan to!