Some thoughts about yardwork...

Nope, not our garden, but I wish it was....

Nope, not our garden, but I wish it was....

Yesterday, when I was trapped in an office building at my "day design job", I felt like a crazy person. Ever get like that? When the day is moving so slow, and you have lots to do but just want to get OUT? It was one of those days for me. So, when I got home, to our newly opened (albeit still green and dirty) pool, and a yard all neat and tidy from the "spring cleaning" we had the landscapers do (a splurge, because lets be honest, I don't have time for that shiznit during wedding season) I was really happy. If I could will summer into existence, it would be 85 degrees tomorrow. So, Chris and I decided to get crazy with some yard work. The sun was out, Chris was mowing the lawn, so I decided to WEED. I have a black thumb. Or maybe just an indifferent thumb? Would I love a pretty pretty garden with flower beds and amazing landscaping? YES. Do I have the drive and inclination to spend hours in the dirt? NO. All the same, I wanted to do something to make our yard look nicer, so I started ripping out any plant that looked like it could survive the apocalypse. That's what weeds are right? Evil ugly plants that can grow anywhere and are IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL. So I pulled up all the evil looking plants (some of them were probably real plants, which I only realized when they came up WAY too easily to be a weed). Anywho, it was a satisfying evening, but now I want mulch elves to come and spread nice fragrant wood chips in our freshly cleaned flower beds. Anyone want to trade wedding invites for yard work? Have a great weekend kiddos, I'm just happy it's almost here!