Little Organizational Tricks


I've been super busy with wedding projects of late, so my home DIY projects have been put on hold for a bit. BUT, no matter how busy you are, there is always something you can do around the house to make it look or function better! I sometimes feel that the little things I do aren't worth blogging about. Then I realize, that the little changes and improvements I make can have an enormous impact. Whether it makes me feel more organized, or just makes day to day life a little easier.

One of the these little improvements I made recently, was putting these little cord holders on our bedside table. I read every night before I go to bed, and check emails first thing in the morning. Which means, I always need to charge my kindle and iPad, but don't want to get up to charge them in another room. Having these little suckers means that I always know exactly where the cords are, and they are all neat and tidy (instead of a jumbled heap under the bed hanging out with dog hair dust puppies)!

The other little change I made, was attaching this lovely double hook on the back of our bedroom door. I rotate pretty regularly between these three handbags, and I don't want to dig through the closet every time I make a wardrobe decision. That being said, it always felt messy, and potentially damaging to my bags, to leave them laying around willy-nilly. So, something as simple as putting a pretty hook on the back of a door makes my bags feel a little better taken care of, and easily accessible!

So do something little that makes your life easier this weekend! I promise, it'll make you feel like you've got rainbows coming out of your tush!