Lots of Envelopes, Lots of Work

RSVP envelopes

Oh boy oh boy I've been busy. My printer has been mean to me, and I'm living in a house with three dogs (we're puggle-sitting) without a husband the next couple days and I'm POOPED. All that being said, it's awesome. This is the first wedding season where I've been crazy busy, and despite working all day and night, I love every minute that I spend designing for weddings. I'm finishing up a set of invites this weekend that I'm loving and can't wait to share, the picture above is of all the gold addressed RSVP envelopes for this particular wedding invitation suite. 

On another note, no dice on the car shopping this past weekend. My designer standards make the process rather difficult. I want something pretty and cute and different, but to keep my husband and the parental units happy, and possibly fit a 175lb mastiff, a scrappy puggle, and future children, I need to be somewhat practical (BOOO). My next stop is the Mini Dealer. I KNOW, that doesn't  SOUNNDDDD practical, but the mini countryman with all wheel drive seems like it could be!?